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[C14] Talking Heads / Virtual Heads

These two large-scale action research projects delivered by Ultralab were directed at the development of school leadership, establishing an online community of practice for headteachers (Talking Heads) and subsequently an online learning community for aspiring headteachers to support the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH).
When Jan 01, 2000 to
Dec 31, 2003
Where Chelmsford, Essex

Talking Heads logo

Aim: To design learning resources to support headteachers in embarking on online community for their continuing professional development.
Reflection: This project was the first managed directly within Ultralab that involved so many participants nationwide, and in my position as effective deputy head of Ultralab I was aware of a real step up in responsibility and impact. Matters of ethics, organisation and communication became paramount in this large-scale action research.
Contribution: I helped set up the project initially, developing the database of participants and continued to act as a mentor to the personnel involved.  I also designed and developed the interactive multimedia and carried out the technical production of the CD-ROM, applying my knowledge of multiple text tracks and interactivity in Quicktime. My part: 5% (with Stephen Heppell, Leonie Ramondt, Carole Chapman, Stephen Powell and others)
Originality, impact and importance: These projects devised new online facilitation for the busiest of professionals as they led schools. It opened new channels of communication for heads who otherwise were rarely in contact with each other and who were distributed throughout the UK. The learning conversations that resulted lead directly to school improvement and the project laid the foundations for the National College's practice for years to come.

Talking Heads provided a solution to the National College for School Leadership to network headteachers. It provided a place for practitioners to share knowledge and support and a platform for continuing professional development. The software used was an adaptation of, the web-based online community software developed and designed by Ultralab in collaboration with Oracle.

To support the headteachers, an introductory pack including an interactive CD-ROM was developed with multimedia materials including speeches from then Prime Minister Tony Blair, NCSL director Heather Du Quesnay and project staff. It was set up within a very short timescale, initially addressing the 1,200 new headteachers taking up posts in 2000 and subsequently extending to all.

Led by Leonie Ramondt, Carole Chapman and Stephen Powell, the Talking Heads project drew on experienced Ultranauts from the Tesco Schoolnet and Mpowernet projects and laid the foundation for the Ultraversity project in 2003.

Virtual Heads logo

In 2001, Virtual Heads was launched as an online learning community for school staff studying for the NPQH. The introductory CD-ROM was developed further to incorporate new material addressing their needs.

(Words: 457 )

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Lewis Carroll describes a fictional map that had:

"the scale of a mile to the mile."

A character notes some practical difficulties with such a map and states that:

"we now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure you it does nearly as well."
— Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, Lewis Carroll, 1893

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The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. education & The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. employment

The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. project

The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. professional

The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. conference

The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. publication

The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'. teaching

The dissertation and portfolio for Richard Millwood's PhD by Retrospective Practice titled 'The Design Of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education'.selected for the PhD