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[C6] The Renaissance Project
This project sponsored by Apple created early interactive multimedia materials on CD-ROM aimed at the Higher Education sector spanning my employment at Kings College London and the then Anglia Higher Education College.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C8] National Archive of Educational Computing
This 20 year project has created a research and public archive of artefacts, papers, software and media recording the UK history of technology enhanced learning.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C9] Learning in the New Millennium
This longitudinal project in three phases explored the possibilities offered by new technologies to communicate, be creative and learn together between schools and together with adults industry. Underpinning this work was an online learning environment created in the FirstClass software.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C11] TeacherNet UK
A project to develop an online community and service for all teachers to engage in professional exchange and development, inspired by OZ-TeacherNet established in 1995 in Australia.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C12] The Online Learning Network
An Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) funded project in advance of the University for Industry (UfI). Education professionals from the school, museum, HE, broadcast and private sectors generated dialogue on a selection of issues, and participated in 'online experiences' to demystify and learn how use ICT effectively. Phase two of the project supported a number of the participants to establish their own online learning communities appropriate to their context.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C13] Étui
This EU-funded project developed an educational toy to support children's learning as part of the Experimental Schools section of the i3 network (Intelligent Information Interfaces). The device stimulated meta-level learning awareness, problem solving, creativity and collaboration through the activities it was designed to enable.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C14] Talking Heads / Virtual Heads
These two large-scale action research projects delivered by Ultralab were directed at the development of school leadership, establishing an online community of practice for headteachers (Talking Heads) and subsequently an online learning community for aspiring headteachers to support the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH).
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C15] Summer School
A six year collaboration started with the South East of England Virtual Education Action Zone and the Victoria & Albert Museum to establish and promote the capabilities in young people for digital creativity using technology.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C16] Input CBBC
A collaboration between Children's BBC Television and Ultralab to explore the future of kids TV. Computers and digital video cameras were placed in schools, community and learning centres across the North of England to find out what television could be like if children were to make it themselves.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C18] Ultraversity Project
Ultraversity was the degree course for those who university did not fit. The design allowed students to focus on their own work, negotiate learning, submit work created as part of their job in the form of assessment 'patches' using the genre and media which suited them, stitch a patchwork of such pieces to make a final submission, celebrate their dissertation through an exhibition and all supported by an online community of inquiry.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project