A folder to hold images and other media for the portfolio
- 20101008 RSC Eastern Joint Forum - Richard Millwood - Delightful Learning.pdf
- Unidiversity.pdf
- A brief history off-line.pdf
- Algorithmic thinking.pdf
- Change Management & Learning Environments.pdf
- Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs.pdf
- Serious delight.pdf
- 20120112 Conceptual framework for computing - BETT.pdf
- 20120918 Charities Learning Consortium.pdf
- 20121101 UVAC IDIBL.PDF
- BETT Presentation.pdf
- Action Research Poster
- How can technology enhance learning.pdf
- How does technology help the organisation? - poster.pdf
- Teacher - how can technology help me? - poster.pdf
- Learning Theory.pdf
- dosteps.mp4
- 19870111 Millwood - Strategies for Computer Assisted Learning.pdf
- 20061124 Ultraversity graduation
- 20070330 ICT Register Evaluation.pdf
- Hargreaves Teacher Types.pdf