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[C15] Summer School
A six year collaboration started with the South East of England Virtual Education Action Zone and the Victoria & Albert Museum to establish and promote the capabilities in young people for digital creativity using technology.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C16] Input CBBC
A collaboration between Children's BBC Television and Ultralab to explore the future of kids TV. Computers and digital video cameras were placed in schools, community and learning centres across the North of England to find out what television could be like if children were to make it themselves.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C20] Inter-Disciplinary Inquiry-Based Learning (IDIBL)
Development of a framework model for undergraduate and postgraduate work-focussed learning based on the Ultraversity work, but intended to support curriculum innovation throughout the University of Bolton.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C8] National Archive of Educational Computing
This 20 year project has created a research and public archive of artefacts, papers, software and media recording the UK history of technology enhanced learning.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Project
[C2] Microcomputers in Computer Education (MICE)
A group of computer studies teachers led by Brian Weaver, Advisor for Computer Education in the Inner London Education Authority, who collaborated to create interactive for learning concepts in computing
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Professional
[C4] London Mental Models Group
This multidisciplinary research group was led by the late Joan Bliss of King's College London and involved staff in science, mathematics and history education, but also in language, cognitive psychology, educational computing, expert systems and artificial intelligence.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Professional
[C17] QCA - An Investigation Into Pupils' Creativity Across The Curriculum
I contributed to this UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority consultation as a member of a panel contracted to synthesise clearer ideas about ICT and creativity towards the end of a wider effort to consider creativity across the curriculum from 2000-2003
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Professional
[C5] Procedure Library
This was a library of procedures in Pascal and BBC Basic written on a range of computers to provide an interoperable set of functions for educational software. It was the successor to the Subroutine Library. The package was complemented by a technical guide and a design guide.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Publication
[C10] Translating software: what it means and what it costs for small cultures and large cultures
This paper discussing the case for making software translateable was written with Dai Griffiths, Stephen Heppell and Greta Mladenova and was selected for publication in the journal Computers & Education after presentation at the CAL '93 conference
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Publication
[C21] Report on good practice of innovative applications of learning theories in TEL
A report on learning theories and how the design of innovations in technology enhanced learning may be reviewed through a multi-levelled stakeholder analysis.
Located in Portfolio / Timeline / Publication