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File PDF document RSC SW keynote - Richard Millwood.pdf
File PDF document UVAC IDIBL presentation.pdf
File PDF document HeLMET Community Workshop.pdf
File PDF document Core UK @ ULearn 08 poster.pdf
File PDF document Re-inventing institutional processes to support flexible learning.pdf
File PDF document Archive CAL '09 poster.pdf
File PDF document 20091008 ULearn '09 - Teaching Through Dialogue.pdf
File PDF document 20100222 iPod2010 Oldham - Richard Millwood.pdf
File PDF document 20100312 Millwood - A brief history off-line.pdf
File PDF document 20100604 Millwood - Technology support for the Patchwork Text Assessment approach.pdf
File PDF document Making learning delightful - positive steps to increase well-being in learning.pdf
File PDF document To complete a PhD by retrospective practice.pdf
File PDF document 20101008 RSC Eastern Joint Forum - Richard Millwood - Delightful Learning.pdf
File PDF document Unidiversity.pdf
File PDF document A brief history off-line.pdf
File PDF document Algorithmic thinking.pdf
File PDF document Change Management & Learning Environments.pdf
File PDF document Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs.pdf
File PDF document Serious delight.pdf
File PDF document 20120112 Conceptual framework for computing - BETT.pdf
File PDF document 20120918 Charities Learning Consortium.pdf
File 20121101 UVAC IDIBL.PDF
File PDF document BETT Presentation.pdf
File PDF document Action Research Poster
File PDF document How can technology enhance learning.pdf
File PDF document How does technology help the organisation? - poster.pdf
File PDF document Teacher - how can technology help me? - poster.pdf
File PDF document Learning Theory.pdf
File MPEG-4 video Droidsa.m4v
File MPEG-4 video Droidsb.m4v
File MPEG-4 video dosteps.m4v
File PDF document 19870111 Millwood - Strategies for Computer Assisted Learning.pdf
File QuickTime video 20061124 Ultraversity graduation
File PDF document 20070330 ICT Register Evaluation.pdf
File PDF document Hargreaves Teacher Types.pdf
File Pascal source code Ultraversity letter from Chris Smith MP
A letter expressing support for the Ultraversity Project.
File What is the modelling curriculum?
This paper describes the benefits which might accrue from modelling as an activity for learners. Some approaches taken to teach modelling are discussed and criticised. The learner's purpose for modelling is suggested to be critical in engaging them in this formal and theoretic field and it is suggested that presentation and communication of ideas in the context of project work may be appropriate. An analysis of parts of the modelling process is presented to highlight some of the 'hidden steps' which learners may usefully have disentangled by modelling software. Finally some prototype software developed by the Integrated Modelling Project to explore these problems is described.
File From Mathematics Teacher to Computer Assisted Learning Researcher
In this article, I discuss a journey from Mathematics and Computer Studies teacher in secondary school to an educational researcher in computer assisted learning. Along the way, in collaboration with other early pioneer teachers and encouraged by visionary education advisors a personal kit computer was constructed in 1978, an educational simulation created in 1979, before employment as an educational simulation developer as part of the UK Computers in the Curriculum project from 1980 to 1990. Although a specific case, issues of general interest about major upheavals in the educational and technology worlds and personal issues in an unusual and ground-breaking career are discussed.
File application/x-dtbresource+xml Translating Software- what it means and what it costs for small cultures and large cultures

Lewis Carroll describes a fictional map that had:

"the scale of a mile to the mile."

A character notes some practical difficulties with such a map and states that:

"we now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure you it does nearly as well."
— Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, Lewis Carroll, 1893